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To all subscribers and visitors who have become to know The Real Jeannine Price and her Narcissistic Smear Campaign:


As you know, for over one year, I remained silent.  I never disparaged Jeannine.  I never told any other side of any story to anyone.  I tried to put an end to her madness through rational and human ways.  She chose to persist her campaign.  I watched her spin lies about me and promote those lies to the world. 


But I documented.  Everything.


One year later, her false narratives continue.  I am taking a stand.  You will soon know all.




Two new Video Series are now in production:  The Documentary Series and The Entertainment Series


New truths that supplement the half-truths and dishonest narratives spun by Jeannine, for over a year, will be fully disclosed.  Truths that are denied by Jeannine and the truths that disprove her narratives will be fully known.  The false narratives that were weaved by Jeannine, for over a year, will be undermined ... with Jeannines' own words and actions.




Jeannines' recent actions further substantiate all that has previously been asserted and disclosed at  Simple analytical skills, not rocket science, applied to the FACTUAL, DOCUMENTED truth, already painted a very clear picture of TheRealJeanninePrice.  New revelations will make that portrait even more clear.


Jeannines' words, actions, addictions and Narcissism have been devastating to so many lives ... and will continue to be for years to come.  She continues to choose the unnecessary course-of-action.  Addiction and Narcissism are a combination that prevents objective reason, human decency and and moral compass.





Jeannine is partially correct:  The world has yet to really know, as she says, "who [she] is," but the world does know "what [she] does and what [she] says."  Jeannine is proud, especially, of what she does - and openly brags about it (as captured below).​




From Virginia Beach to the Four Oaks of North Carolina ... From Los Angeles to London ... From Russia to Miami, will soon return with never-before-released truths. 


Suppliers to the addictions Jeannine denies, inclusive of a mental health professional, who sells Jeannine Adderall, will be known.  The recorded digital audio between Jeannine and her supplier will disprove Jeannines' denials.


New players, who provide new source and validation to the addictions and alcoholism Jeannine also denies, will be identified along with video and audio of the new player.  The audio and video of the new player suggest he might be stricken by a combination of Tourette Syndrome and Bi-Polar Disorder.  A validating player, right up TheRealJeanninePrice alley, who is recruited for the next adventure to consume and discard before finding new supply.


The new player's entry into the RealJeanninePrice Narcissistic Crazy underscores the revelations previously unveiled on, with Jeannines' own actions and words, proving exactly who she is.


And so it goes:


One ... To ... The ... Next





Over 100 men
I am Beautiful
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